They say comparison is the thief of joy. I say community is joy’s benefactor.
Today is International Women’s Day; around the world, we women gather, celebrate our shared virtues and lift each other up. But what about the other 365 days of the year?
If I had a dollar for every woman who has confessed that they struggle with the ‘comparison game’ (especially on Instagram), I’d be able to fully fund my coffee habit and probably my houseplant habit, too. Think of how good my Instagram would look then. 😏
What’s a gal to do when you’re in between “omg so happy for you!” and the unvoiced, pestering but why not me?
You find your community.
Where a dining room table becomes a shared, sacred space. When the ones you have on speed dial dispense their wisdom from 5,000 miles away or just the next neighborhood over. When the hardships you face fuel your bonds with one another, to be seen and known without judgment.
Because you commune, you push each other forward, you create a space full of spark and sanctity.
A space that acknowledges your why not me? is normal to feel, and reminds you of all that you are.
Being a woman is hard, and beautiful, and poetic, and magical — much like being a human. Coincidence? Nah.

p.s. — I made this lil free phone background! You can download here or save it to Pinterest.
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